Guestbook of Thailand online: November 1997

Thank you for visiting Thailand online.

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We would love it if you would add a comment or information to the guestbook of Thailand online!

Montreal, Third of November 1997, You said in Thai on line that you can answer any questions and give information. I hope you can help me about this: My name is Pierre Mathieu and I am from Montreal, Canada. I am a high school teacher in Tourism. I am trying to contact a University or College that teaches Tourism. Is there teaching of Tourism in Chiang Mai ? I would like to contact them. I will go to Thailand at the end of december with a group of 15 of my students and I would very like them to meet Thai students studying in the same field than them.If you can give me any information about this, it would help me very much. Thank you for your help, Pierre Mathieu Montreal Canada
Pierre Mathieu <>
Montreal, Canada - Tue Nov 4 00:30:18 EST 1997
I found a page that has you as a person to write to with comments. I tried to find the answers to my questions on your page but I couldn't so I am writing you. Perhaps you can tell me where I can find the answers. Thank you. First of all I am an artist. I have always liked the design of the god Shiva and on a recent trip to San Franciso I thought that I might buy one for my art collection. I roamed through China town looking for my prize. I didn't find a Shiva but I found a Siamese versian of Buddha. This one was made in the country of Thailand. It has four faces facing four different ways on the head. It has eight arms all holding something except two. One arm is on the chest and the other is extended to the front and the thumb and finger are barely touching. The other three arms on the left have a shell in the first one, a sort of bar (like a candy bar) in the second and a round plate like thing with what I think is a representation of fire on the top. The other set of arms had the first one holding a sort of bottle that is sealed. The second one a sort of spear, and the last one another plate with a hole in it and a nice design all around it. I would like to know more about my art piece. All of the faces have the third eye at the top of the forehead. I have been looking through books but I haven't found out any information about this lovely piece of work. If someone can give me the explanation of the extra arms and the objects being held by each one I certainly would appreciate it very much. Thank you very much for any help you can give me. Ron Harmon
Ronald Harmon <>
- Tue Nov 4 15:00:54 EST 1997

Hello, My name is Gert Wooldrik, I'm 28 years old, male, and I live In the Netherlands. Maybe you could help me. I'm looking for a girl with the name Villai, she is 27 or 28 years old, and she lives in Happyland, Bangkok. If you know her or you know where she lives now, please contact me. Please help me to find her. Thank you. Gert Wooldrik e-mail:
Gert Wooldrik <>
Netherland - Thu Nov 6 00:17:41 EST 1997
We take this oppertunity to introduce ourselves as importers and manufacturers of various pharmaceutical products in Pakistan,and want joint venture with any pharmaceutical company. Please Contact...
LAHORE, PUNJAB PAKISTAN - Thu Nov 6 07:52:24 EST 1997
Hallo Ihr lieben Betreiber, ich heisse Jaqueline und bin eine Studentin aus Bayreuth. Mit Interesse habe ich Eure Seiten über Thailand gelesen. Über Weihnachten/Neujahr habe ich vor, direkt ewtas über das Land und seine Kultur zu erfahren. Damit ich auch richtig Freude an der Reise habe, erbitte ich die Auskunft, inwieweit sich die Waldbrände in Indonesien auf das Gebiet um Thailand ausgewirkt haben oder noch tun. Die aktuellen Nachrichten hier in Deutschland verlieren keine Worte mehr darüber, genauso wenig wie über das Tankerunglück. Ist es denn möglich unbeschwert an den Küsten Baden zu gehen, wie weit reichen die Oelteppiche auf dem Meer. Dann würde ich mich freuen, wenn ich so eine Art "Geheimtip" bekommen koennte, was man denn unbedingt bei seiner ersten Reise geehen haben muß. Ich bedanke mich recht herzlich, fuer Eure Muehe. Viele Gruesse. Jacqueline
Jacqueline Schwikal <>
Bayreuth - Thu Nov 6 14:53:49 EST 1997
We are the largest manufacturer of aluminium alloy motorcycle wheel in Indonesia. Before producing motorcycle wheel, we have made various kinds of car wheels of good quality. We have supplied the majority of OEM in Indonesia, i.g. Toyota, Isuzu, Daihatsu, Hyunday, Suzuki, Opel, Chevrolet, and General Motor. We are now in our way to expand our foreign market. Should you be interested, please do not hesitate to contact us at fax (+62)-(31)-853-2987 or visit our homepage at or send us an e-mail at
MITSUYO Aluminium Alloy Motorcycle Wheel <>
Sidoarjo, - Indonesia - Fri Nov 7 12:06:00 EST 1997
I am interested in any information that I can get on possible employment opportunities in Thailand. I am interested in possible employment in the fields of Agriculturre, Horticulture, or Environmental Protection. Please e-mail me with any information or suggested search strategies. thank you.
mike <>
milwaukee, wisconsin Thailand - Content-type: text/plain Tue Nov 11 23:03:00 EST 1997
love your site
paul normand
calgary, alberta canada - Sat Nov 15 16:58:25 EST 1997
Hello, Thank you for providing such a wonderful web-page it is very interesting and mosy enjoyable. I will be travelling to Chiang Mai next year and staying for six months at Lanna Thai boxing camp. Could you tell me what the weather conditions are around August through to March. Also can you tell me the names of traditional northern thai dishes (food) so I came try some at my local thai restaurant. Thank you very much for your help. Any other information you might think I need before I come over there would be appreciated. Mr Ross Jones 81 Ironside Road Johnsonville Wellington NEW ZEALAND
Ross Jones <>
New Zealand - Mon Nov 17 07:00:43 EST 1997
HELLO! After conversations this morning with your embassy in Spain, we want to contact to try and establish commercial relations with your country. We are studying the possibility of offering a series of jobs, all of these linked with painting artwork, this is why we are interested in contacting with students in the last course of Art who are great lovers of ancient art, to carry out pictorial artwork by order. Thank You
Luis de la Peña Muñoz <>
Toledo, Spain Spain - Wed Nov 19 06:59:20 EST 1997
Hi - good sites....special the VERY NEW one....SUMALEE HANDICRAFT IN CHIANGRAI - is worth to visit... - Teak- and Rosewood-Furniture etc. etc. - ALL what you like! and do also not visit our place...thanx! Blacky and Co.
Blacky <>
Pasang-Noi/Maekham/Chiangrai, Chiangrai Thailand - Wed Nov 19 20:44:36 EST 1997
Off-Road Tours Abenteuerreisen durch den Asiatischen Dschungel Jeep-und Enduro-Abenteuerreisen in Thailand schaut mal vorbei auf:
Ralph Endres <>
Leinfelden, Germany - Fri Nov 21 12:47:53 EST 1997

Please add information or questions to the guestbook of Thailand online!