Siam Sun Tous (Switzerland)  4.8 K SIAM SUN TOURS Ltd. Part.

Siam Sun Tours (Switzerland), 1/2 Moonmuang Rd., Soi 8, Muang, Chiang Mai 50200, Tel./Fax (053) 357 221, Mobile 01 8827426

Mail address: P.O. Box 231, P.O. Phra Singh, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand, E-Mail:




daily from Chiang Mai, most programs available as private tour or joining a group as well.

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KLICKEN Sie hier um auf die aufgearbeitete, neue Webseite und zum Inhaltsverzeichnis von Siam Sun Tours zu kommen.



CNX-901 MINI TREKMini Trek by Siam Sun Chiangmai

One day tour to the wilderness of the Mae Wang Valley with some activities. Morning pick up from your hotel and approx. one hour drive to the Mae Wang area, southwest of Chiang Mai. First you will ride on an elephant through the jungle (no elephant show in this area, but if you wish to see such a show, let us know), then take a short walk and visit a Hmong- and Karen hill tribe village. Opportunity for a cool shower at a small waterfall. After the lunch break enjoy a trip on a bamboo raft down the river. Transfer back to Chiang Mai and arrive at your hotel late afternoon.

CNX-902 BICYCLE TRIPFahrradtour by Siamsun Chiangmai

Another possibility to see rural country life and villages in combination with some exercise. Easy cycling in the valley along the Ping River. See different kind of orchards and fields, passing rural Thai villages south of Chiang Mai. Finally visit Ban Tawai, a village which is famous for its woodcarving artisans. Lunch on route in a local restaurant. You are back at your hotel in Chiang Mai late afternoon. (if you prefere more the mountain biking, please let us know).

CNX-903 KAYAKING & CYCLINGKayaking and Cycling by Siam Sun Chiangmai

A day trip for the more active one's, which includes paddling and cycling. In the morning pick up from your hotel. Transfer by car for approx. one hour to the north. Start your cycling tour along back roads through orchards and paddie fields (approx. 15 km). Then change mode of transport and switch to the Kajak. Paddle across the Mae Ngat Reservoir which is also part of Sri Lanna National Park. Lunch and leisure at a floating restaurant. Paddle back to the shore base. From here transfer back to Chiang Mai. Arrive at your hotel late afternoon.

CNX-904 CHIANG DAO DISCOVERYChiang Dao Discovery by Siam Sun Chiangmai

A one day tour to the Chiang Dao area, north of Chiang Mai, which gives you the chance to see rural Thai villages as well as some hill tribe villages. Pick up from your hotel early morning and drive for approx. one hour to an elephant camp. Watch these giants take their morning bath and demonstration of hauling logs etc. An optional elephant ride can be arranged. Continue on rural backroads east of Chiang Dao where you visit some villages of various hill tribes, such as the Palong, Lisu and Akha. Lunch on route. Then explore the Chiang Dao cave and temple.On the way back to Chiang Mai do a side trip to the Mae Sa Valey and stop at one of the orchid farms. You are back at your hotel late afternoon

CNX-905 THAI COOKERY SCHOOLThai Kochschule by Siam Sun Chiang Mai

You won't be a chief cook after that day, but will be able to cook some of the well known Thai dishes. In the morning pick up from your hotel and first tour the local market, where you learn more about Thai vegetables, herbs and spices. Transfer to the cooking school and start to cook your lunch. which includes some of the most popular Thai dishes, and hopefully you will enjoy that meal. In the afternoon learn to prepare some Thai sweets. You will be back at your hotel in the late afternoon.

CNX-906 DOI INTHANONDoi Inthanon by Siam Sun Chiang Mai

A one day tour to Doi Inthanon National Park, which is also the highest peak (2565 m) of Thailand. Start early morning from your hotel. You will see picturesque waterfalls, pagodas, hill tribe villages of the Hmong and Karen, as well as a royal farming project, which has the object to suppert the poor farmers and hill tribe people in this area. Take a short walk through dense forest near the peak. Lunch on route at a local resataurant. Transfer back to Chiang Mai and arrival late afternoon.

CNX-907 GOLDEN TRIANGLE FLASHGolden Triangle Blitz by Siam Sun Chiang Mai

This is a tour for people with really less time and who don't mind to sit in a car for many hours. Pick up early morning at your hotel. Travel to Chiang Rai and further on via Chiang Saen to the famous Golden Triangle at the Mekong River. Go on to Mae Sai, the northernmost- and market town at the Burmese border. After lunch travel through the mountains along hill tribe villages until Ban Thaton, where you have another break at a riverside restaurant on the banks of the Kok River. Return back to Chiang Mai, where you will arrive at your hotel in the evening, approx. 20.00.

CNX-908 MAE HONG SORN FLASHMae Hong Sorn Blitz by Siam Sun

A tour to the picturesque province in the northwest for people with less time, but very convenient as both ways are travelled by plane. In the morning pick up from your hotel and transfer to the airport. Short flight (25 min.) to Mae Hong Sorn. After arrival see two nice and colourful Shan temples. Then enjoy a boat trip on the Pai River along rural countryside. Lunch en route. Go on to visit one of the Paduang (better known as "longnecks") villages. Late afternoon take a short flight (25 min.) back to Chiang Mai, where you will arrive at approx. 18.00. Transfer back to your hotel......or continue your journey.

CNX-909 CHIANG MAI CITYChiang Mai City Tour by Siam Sun

This tour shows you all the highlights of the Northern capital. It starts in the morning with the landmark of the city, which is Doi Suthep mountain temple. Go on for a tour in the city and see some ancient temples, such as Wat Chedi Luang with the city pillar or Wat Chiang Man. Then visit a colourful local market and take a short boat trip on the Ping River. Lunch on route. Finally you have the opportunity to visit some of the local handicraft centres. You will be back at your hotel in the late afternoon.


All one day tours with English speaking tour guide, transport, entrance fees and incl. of lunch


Drinks, tips and personal expenses


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and tell us what you need. We also can arrange a tailor made tour for you, just let us know what you like!


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This page was created on February 7, 1997 and last updated on June 10, 2001.

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