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We would love it if you would add a comment or information to the guestbook of Thailand online!
Wir freuen uns über jeden Eintrag ins Gästebuch von Thailand online!
Please add a section on Buddhism in Thailand
joe paciello <>
Oman - Fri Feb 5 06:02:59 EST 1999
I was recently holidaying in Chang Mai and I am writing to say that it is one of the
most beautiful cities in the world. The people are what make it so great. My friend and I
are very keen to come back, but this we hope to stay much longer. We found that the best
travel service company was Maeping Riverside Tours and actually gave their card to our
wholesaler in Bangkok and in Australia. On behalf of both of us we thank you kindly and
hope to return to Thailand soon. Also I'm not sure if you can answer this but it would be
great if you could, there is a pub/ restaurant right near The Holiday Garden Hotel. I need
to know the name of it. So if someone could respond it would be much appreciated.
natalie knihnicki <>
Thailand - Fri Feb 5 15:11:52 EST 1999
Sawadee khap, eure Site ist echt OK, aber leider sind keine Angaben über mögliche
Grenzübergänge gemacht (Burma, Laos) falls Ihr hier weitere Informationen habt bitte an
folgende Adresse senden. So Long....and....Sanuk Sabai !!! Mentler O. mail to:
Mentler O. <>
Germany - Fri Feb 5 15:15:04 EST 1999
Dear ladies and gentlemen! In April we will go to Bangkok and then by bus to Laos. Is
it also possible to go from Laos directly to Vietnam, for example by bus? It would be very
kind if you give me some informations about that! Thank you in advance! Gaby Otto
Gabi Otto <>
GSI Darmstadt, Germany - Sat Feb 6 04:30:53 EST 1999
Dear sirs, I would like to find a jobs website. Would you know the adress? I would love
to live and work in Thailand. What I'm looking for is international companies that are
based in Thailand. Yours sincerely, Angelique Pascaud, email:
Marcel Ruijken <>
Netherlands - Sat Feb 6 05:43:37 EST 1999
I am searching for a friend from Thailand who was a classmate of mine in Manila,
Philippines during the 60's. His name is Prasong Kositanondh. We both attended Far Eastern
University in Manila Philipines and after graduation, we communicated for a while until I
moved to the United States. My e-mail adress is I would appreciate help
locate him. Thank you.
Masan <>
Thailand: Searching for a friend in Thailand - Sat Feb 6 12:25:05 EST 1999
Suche nach Informationen über die LAge der Hmong....
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren! Ich bin Studentin der Südostasienkunde und bereite mich im
Moment auf ein Rerferat zum Thema "Minderheiten in Laos-die Hmong" vor. Deshalb
bin ich auf der Suche nach Informationen zu dieser ethnischen Gruppe in der Zeit vor 1975,
nach 1975 und in heutiger Zeit. Wenn sie über derartige Informationen Zugang haben, wäre
ich Ihnen sehr dankbar, wenn sie sie mir per e-mail zukommen lassen würden. Vielen Dank
für Ihre Unterstützung! Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Sonja Degenhart
sonja degenhart <>
Germany - Sun Feb 7 10:03:50 EST 1999
Sawadii! War des öfftern im Land des Lächelns. Es ist wirklich einfach fantastisch
und die Menschen haben eine unglaubliche Lebensfreude. Auch wenn wenn es für uns
aussenstehende manchmal schwer zu verstehen ist! Sie besitzen teilweise so wenig und haben
denoch so viel mehr als wir! Auf diesem Weg suche ich Leute die mit einer Thai-Frau
verheiratet sind oder es vor haben zu tun. In absehbarer Zeit möchte ich mit meiner
Thailändischen Frau in Thailand leben und suche gleichgesinndte, die es schon machen,
gemacht haben oder es vorhaben. Allen anderen möchte ich sagen: Fliegt hin und lasst es
auf Euch wirken, nehmt Euch Zeit und laßt es geschehen. Sawadee Khap
Krüger <>
Berlin, Deutschland - Mon Feb 8 12:33:28 EST 1999
WHITEHALL, OH Thailand - Mon Feb 8 16:34:24 EST 1999
See you later in Lamai.
Yeti <>
Schorndorf, Baden-Württemberg Germany - Wed Feb 10 18:01:06 EST 1999
hallo, wir stehen hier um 2.00 früh ganz drall und lall.... hallo!!!!!! nebenbei, ich
brauche bitte die www-adressen der universität Chiang Mai, bin selber gut zu erreichen
Alexius Findenig <>
Kolpinghaus Bregenz USA - Fri Feb 12 06:58:05 EST 1999
Hello. I would like information about tours to Laos from Thailand. Thanks, Luis Sanzo
Luis Sanzo <>
Spain - Fri Feb 12 07:01:13 EST 1999
hai, i'm a student from malaysia, studying in uk. now, i'm doing an assignment on doing
business in thailand. in fact, i don't have enought information. therefore, the purpose of
this mail is to get some information with regards to the various rules and regulations on
trade or import & export. i'm looking forward to hear from you. thank you. siew min
siew min <>
Oxford BROOKES University, England - Sun Feb 14 04:45:26 EST 1999
Hi, I was wondering where did Hmong people originate from? I am Hmong but I was
wondering where they first came from. I searched for answers but couldn't find any. Please
write back and let me know because it's important to me. Thank you. Jerry
Jerry <>
Thailand - Mon Feb 15 07:01:03 EST 1999
Wirklich gute Seiten über Thailand ! - Weiter so ! - Dringend - wer kann helfen !???
Wer weiß näheres zu dieser Postfachadresse ? Nana Post Office, ..., P.O.BOX 1216, 10112
Bangkok I ??? Könnte es sich evtl. um eine Adresse im Nonthaburi-Klinikum handeln ??? Bin
für jeden Hinweis dankbar ! -Danke!-
Naumann <>
Dresden, Deutschland - Thu Feb 18 20:17:35 EST 1999
Please supply me with more information about this route: ChiangMai - SuratThani. Where
can I book flights, how much is it and what is availability like for the end of July (one
way CM-ST). What time of day is the flight? Is it possible to book this route in the UK.
Thanks for your help, Val Kennedy
UK - Fri Feb 19 01:04:35 EST 1999
hallo, ich habe mir aus thailand eine thail. tastatur für meinen computer mitgebracht
und verzweifelt versucht thail. font aus meinem rechner zu intallieren. leider hat dies
nicht geklappt. in diversen newsgroup wurde immer wieder gesagt, daß es nicht möglich
wäre eine deutsche windows95 version mit einem thäilandischen ländercode zu laden, mit
der englischen version wäre dies sehr wohl möglich. stimmt das? und wenn ja / nein, wie
kann ich dann auf meinem syswtem in thäiländisch schreiben? vielen dank für ihre mühe!
Gregor Hoepfner <>
Germany - Sat Feb 20 13:06:41 EST 1999
We are visiting Chiang Mai in July. Is it possible to fly to visit the hill tribes from
Chiang mai? Can you advise me please and if possible give me an idea of the price. Many
thanks, Mrs R Thomson
david thomson <>
England - Sat Feb 20 16:53:16 EST 1999
Dear all, I found your E-mail address on the InterNet while searching for Thai
heritage. I am trying to get information on a very particular part of Thai heritage: Thai
versions of the game of chess. In the literature on the history of chess, there is a
mentioning of two indigenous forms of chess being played in Thailand side by side (apart
from the modern FIDE-form of chess, that is). One of these versions is called Makruk and
is described in detail in various books. The other form is said to be very similar to the
Chinese version of chess (Xiang-qi), but its Thai name is never mentioned and it is
completely unclear whether it is EXACTLY the same game as Xiang-qi or whether there are
subtle differences. It is this version I am trying to find more information about. If you
could get me in contact with some person or institute that might know some more about this
issue, I would be very greatful. E-mail me at Many thanks in
advance, Lex Kraaijeveld
Lex Kraaijeveld <>
Centre for Population Biology, Imperial College, indigenous Thai versions of Chess England
- Sun Feb 21 03:37:38 EST 1999
I'm interested in nearly everything about Thailand.
Sylvia <>
Thailand - Sun Feb 21 06:56:14 EST 1999
Can you recommend an elephant camp near Chiang Mai that is not quite so touristy and
busy as the Mae Sa Elephant camp? I have heard of the Mae Wang and the Pong Yaeng Elephant
camp, but don't know if they are any better. Any recommendations/comparisons would be
appreciated. Thanks!
Vivian <>
Thailand - Tue Feb 23 12:11:26 EST 1999
Hi, I plan to travel Mae Sai, a town bordering with Burma and close to Golden Triangle.
I am coming from Los Angeles. I learn that I can take flight to Chiang Rai and take a bus
to my final destination, Mae Sai. Once I get to Chiang Rai, how can I take that bus from
where, how much it will cost and how long it will take? If you have any information please
send those to me at or if you can direct any site or anyone to get
those information, I would very much appreciate it. Thanks in advance. Nandar,
Nandar <>
Thailand - Tue Feb 23 14:25:48 EST 1999
Ausflüge in Chiang Rai: Nachdem ich bereits einmal in Thailand war (Busrundreise durch
Nord- thailand und anschließend Phuket und Krabi) weiss ich, daß Ausflüge vor Ort
wesentlich günstiger zu buchen sind als über das Reisebüro in Deutschland. Leider gibt
es für Tagesausflüge im Internet nur wenige Angebote und wenn dann nur auf $ Basis und
somit mindestens so teuer wie in der BRD. Muß das so sein ? Anfang März sind wir wieder
für ein paar Tage in Chiang Rai und Chiang Mai. Vielleicht gibt es doch die Chance z.B.
einen Elefantenritt oder eine Tagesrundreise durch die jeweilige Umgebung günstig zu
buchen. Wir sind 4 Personen. Für Tips sind wir danbar und verbleiben mit freundlichen
Grüßen, Adolf Mayr,
Adolf Mayr <>
Germany - Wed Feb 24 12:22:32 EST 1999
I just wanted to share with you the experiences I had when I went to chiang mai and
surrounding areas recently. I stayed at Paradise hotel and went on a couple of treks from
there with their tour company Topper Tours, I really enjoyed myself meeting new friends,
getting to spend some amazing time with the village people that we visited and riding the
elephants, riding the bambu rafts down the river! The little things that I love to
remember are like, in a lisu village that we stayed at on the first night.. staying up
really late around the campfire talking and laughing with the people and lots of joke and
story telling by our guide.... in the morning a little girl came and started playing with
me and took my hand, pulling me along to go with her, so I followed her through to some
other part of the village then down a little track that she obviously played at and she
started picking these yellow balls ( which I realised later were passionfruit) so I picked
some too and we went back to the breakfast table much to everyones delight! it was so
lovely to just go along with this little girl who was probably about 3 or 4 and we didn't
speak each others language but it didn't matter. anyway I'm glad that you have such a good
website so I can go back and reminisce about my trip and maybe plan another!!!
David Grealy <>
Thailand - Wed Feb 24 15:56:34 EST 1999
Dear Sirs, We are planning to spend our July holidays in Northern Thailand.We are going
to spend some days Around Chiang Mai and some around Chiang Rai. Is there any "long
neck" karen tribe around Chiang Rai? if there is, how can we get there?. Is it better
to go to Mac Hong Son to see them?. Are both hotels, "Panorama Hotel" and
"The Muang Pai resort" in Mae Hong Son?, which one would you recomend us?. I am
waiting to see your website finished about the area. Do you have any suggestion? Thank you
very much for your kindness. Yours sincerely, Gemma Jorda
Gemma Jordà <>
Thailand - Thu Feb 25 16:01:39 EST 1999
Pc-Software (Texterkennung, Übersetzungsprogramme Thai-Deutsch-Thai): Ich möchte
meine Korrespondens mit einem Scanner einlesen, dann mit einer Überstzungssoftware in die
deutsche Sprache übersetzen, um mit Word 07 eine Antwort zu verfassen. Aus Word 07 heraus
möchte ich dann, den in deutscher Sprache geschriebenen Brief, in's Thai übersetzen.
Giebt es dafür eine geeignete Software, oder ist mein Anspruch zu futuristisch. Sollte
Mein Anliegen doch nicht so weltfremd sein, bitte ich Sie mir die aus Ihren Erfahrungen
heraus geeignete Software, sowie Bezugsqelle zu nennen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen. Jörg
Jörg Furchner <>
Deutschland - Sat Feb 27 00:37:54 EST 1999
Nice site... Please visit my Thailand-site...
Jens weegar <>
Stockholm, Sweden - Sat Feb 27 21:27:59 EST 1999
Nice site... Please visit this Thailand site...
Jens weegar <>
Stockholm, Sweden - Sat Feb 27 21:31:48 EST 1999
können sie mir die e-mail adresse von paradise divers leander schalinski senden PADI
hallo <>
Thailand - Sun Feb 28 03:46:21 EST 1999
Dear Sir, I am planning a trip to Thailand for this summer. Can you please send me
information for hotels and sights to see. Also, we are interested in Chiang Mai. Thank
you, Mr. Tony Brock / PSC 451 / Box 333 / FPO AE 09834 / USA
Tony and Susan Brock <>
USA - Sun Feb 28 03:48:48 EST 1999
Please add information or questions to the guestbook of Thailand online!
Wir freuen uns über jeden Eintrag ins Gästebuch von Thailand online!
Thank you for visiting Thailand online.
Danke für Ihren Besuch bei Thailand online.